Artist Profile: Fort Harrison

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Fort Harrison

Fort Harrison is:
Carston Cutler – Guitar/Vocals
Cody Weaver -Drums/Vocals
Jesse Weidmeier – Bass
Alex Wargo – Lead Guitar
Fort Harrison is a progressive indie rock band from Boise, Idaho. The music is written with complex timing and technical ability in mind. The focus is to remain simple enough to engage any listener. Their latest demo “Drifter” is to be followed up with a full length album. Fort Harrison is known for powerful vocal harmonies, meandering bass lines, nimble drum fills and well placed solos.
A review from local Boise writer known as
Here Comes the Dumptruck:
“…Fort Harrison played next. I’ve known of this group for a while, but this was my first time seeing them. They made quite a first impression: gritty, raspy vocals and harshly elegant guitar fused with sly basslines and nimble, hard-hitting drums. Their reggae groove was no less impressive than their metal barrage, and their throat-shredding shouts didn’t conceal how catchy their tunes were. They got some well-earned whoops and cheers from the audience.”

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